How to get your blog approve quickly on Google Adsense in Philippines 2023

get accepted to google adsense faster

Simple tips to do  in order to get your blog accepted faster on Google Adsense today..

Making money on your blog, is probably the ultimate desire you want achieve today. Of, course who doesn’t want to earn money by just blogging. However, there are a lot of ways that you can monetize your blog, and displaying ads is one of it.

GoogleAdsense is one of the leading ad providers in the web today, it is a common sense that you go on this route. But as to other ad provider, Google Adsense have also guidelines and rules that every blogger should follow in order to be accepted.

On the other hand, there are a lot of Ad provider that consider to be by other bloggers to be good than Google Adsense. They consider it because of the amount they, which is better than Google Adsense.

Many bloggers, experience difficulty in getting accepted or approve by Google Adsense, because of strict implementation of those rules and guidelines.

Of course, as a business-like Google, you don’t want any low worthy blog in your blog, which could hurt your business after all.

And Google should do that before any blog should get accepted, because they itself are the search engine. And Google is the 95% is the go-to place in terms of finding anything in the internet from information, location, etc.

And you should understand that Google, is a business where they need to make money also, to run it smoothly. To get those money, they need customers for their products.

Advertisements are one of their sources of revenue, and they show those ads through their platform, Google Adsense.

By the way, Google Adsense pays on both Ad clicks and Ad impression (1000 impression). And, the amount they pay is base on the topics and region where the people click and view it.

It has a $100 minimum, before you can actually receive the payment.

So, this post is about how to make your blog get approve to Google Adsense quickly. These tips are based on my previous experience with my other blog and the research I conducted about Google Adsense.

You must have blog before you apply to Google Adsense. Or if you don’t have one, then create your blog now..

But, remember that these are just guides that could increase your chance in getting accepted quickly by Google Adsense.

Here it is…

·         Have Original Content

Content is the main key on getting accepted at Google Adsense, and it does make sense, because Google itself is the library in the web. Information are being gather and made available by them, for the user to be accessed.
Google provide also the necessary technology just to make this happen, so if you have blog then it is an opportunity for you to make money. By giving Google, a signal that your blog has certain content that would be helpful to their searcher.
With millions of blogs online today, creating an original content for any particular seems to be challenging. There’s could be truth on that, but you should understand information last month will not be the same this month.
This will give you an opportunity to publish a blog post with new information on any topic you blog.
But how do define an original content?
For me, original content is not same or exact words but with the same thoughts or message about any topics.
So, no matter what, publish original content on your blog, because Google will easily know and identify any post that have similarities. And with that, you will never get accepted in Google Adsense Program.
In terms of number post, your blog should at least 8-10 blog post before you try to apply to Google Adsense. And the word count should be around 800 – 1200 words minimum, to have a high chance of getting approve.

·         User-Friendly Blog or Website

So, you have now an informative and original content that you can offer to any Google user. Then, the next you should to do, to get accepted in Google Adsense, is to make your blog user friendly and easy to navigate.
Think about it, a blog that can be easily navigated, especially in finding that information is that, you are likely to get back on it.
Your blog is like a map of information, where a user should use a direction to find that information they need. Imagine, that you navigate on blog, where it takes you some time to find that information. It does frustrate right?
Pages, Categories and Other places of your blog should properly organize and also easy find by any reader or audience.
You don’t need any paid theme on this, a free one should be enough in making your blog to look user-friendly.
And also, the loading speed, images and videos should be included on this, especially the loading speed.
Your blog’s loading speed should be less than 2 seconds to load and to do that you should try compress any image and minimize plugins.
By doing this thing, you’re giving your blog a high chance to get accepted quickly by Google Adsense.

·         Read and Follow Their Rules and Guidelines

So, last but not the least tips you should do to get your blog approved by Google Adsense is follow their rules and guidelines.
It’s just a common sense that Google have rules and guidelines, that any blogger should follow in order to get monetize using their own platform.
Even if you have an original content and user-friendly blog, but your blog does not adhere to any rules set by Google, then it will not be accepted at all.
So, have time just to read those guidelines and try to understand it. Then, apply those guidelines to your own blog or improve it if something is not following those rules.

5 Best Alternative to Google Adsense

·         PropellerAds
·         AmazonDisplay Ads
·         Adversal (have at least 50,000 pageviews/month)
·         Sovrn// Commerce (Viglink)
So, these are the 3 tips that you should do, if you want to monetize your blog using Google Adsense. But this does not guarantee that your blog will be approve, only Google know if your blog should be accepted or rejected by their program.

Lastly, don’t get discourage when you’re not accepted because it has a reason for that. Reason that reason, because they provide you with one, when your blog is not approved and address it. Then, re apply again, maybe your blog will be then accepted to Google Adsense.
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