Top 8 Proven Blogging Mistakes to Avoid If You Want A Successful Blog Today in 2023

A simple guide to how to avoid these common blogging mistake that cost the success of your blog today.
Starting your own blog is nothing more fulfilling, especially you’ve always wanted to do it for a long time. But, sometimes having to own a blog needs your time in maintaining it and also publishing a content. During this period, blogging mistakes will start to shows up, and you will not even notice it.
Mistakes in blogging is just common thing, especially if you’re just new to this. Sometimes, these mistakes will not harm your blog but it will in the long run, and you should address it immediately.
Fixing those mistakes immediately, will provide your blog a positive result that could gain more traffic or more followers. Then eventually turn those traffic and followers into a money in the future, which could somehow pay your needs.
On the other hand, these mistakes are not easily to identified until someone will tell or address it for you. If not identified and fix it, you will continue to do it or make it, which it can result to problem that cost the success of your blog.
So, this post will be about the common blogging mistakes to avoid by identifying it and addressing properly.
· Topic is about everything
As a new blogger, I’ve experience this too in my other blog. Where, I want to publish a content that talks on different topics. This is a mistake that I make for a long time. Since, I don’t have any idea at all and also the experience in blogging in the first place.
There’s nothing wrong on having to blog on different topics, but if you want success in blogging, be a master on specific topic, if you’re just starting out. It will be a difficult task for you, to make your blog stand out to its competition, especially those established ones. Since, you are blogging on everything.
In choosing a specific niche for your blog, try to consider about your passion. Maybe, there are things you want to share with others. Or some kind of information on specific topic, that would be a great help for many people.
Having a passion on something, while sharing the information to others, will provide you a inspiration to continue publishing a content, which somehow very tiring in the long run.
Niche Down or Focus on Topic You Love to Write. So, having a specific topic or niche on your blog gives you a high chance of becoming a successful blogger. Your blog will become a go-to site, about certain topic that you focus on. On that also, your blog will have a high chance in ranking higher if you consistently published quality content.
· Not publishing consistently
As a new blogger, you will experience the excitement stage of blogging, where you are eager to published a content every day. However, that excitement will eventually subside and with it, your motivation in blogging will be gone. Then the consistency in publishing a blog post will be gone also.
I’ve experienced this part also, when I want to published a content every day for a week. Then, after couple of months in blogging, I just get tired and stop publishing content on my schedule. Which today, I regret because of the days that I don’t published, it’s just cost me the success I’ve dreamed.
There are number of factors why this always happens to you and me. One of the examples is lacking of motivation (mention above), it’s just a common to an individual to loss it, after the excitement is gone.
Also, this mistake will happen when you have a full-time job every day and with it, is the difficulty finding time to write on the top of that. It feels like time is very-limited at all, where after the work, you will just need to go to bed and sleep.
Make schedule for that month. This schedule will provide you an exact day and time, on when you will publish your latest blog post for your blog. This will help, if you put this on a smartphone or computer, where you can constantly view it. The schedule should include, the topics you want to publish for that month.
Determine number of contents you can publish on that month. This will help you, how many you can publish on a month (like an estimation), like once a week or twice a week. You also write this on something you constantly see every day.
· Not a user-friendly blog at all
This mistake is more on objective aspect of blogging, where it will be your reader could see it firsthand. So, this part is about the design, the theme, the paragraph construction and maybe the plugins you put in.
Once those following are not being arrange properly in their proper place, you blog will look very messy and look amateur at all.
However, blog design is not much a concern during your early stage in blogging. This will not be easily identified by your readers, since you will just have fewer blog post on your blog.
As you put more contents in your blog, those things should be arranged in respected places, where it will not impede the contents of your blog.
On the other hand, there are themes that are not suitable on certain type of blog or topics it contains. You should be aware on that, try to match those two, themes and topics.
Just install a simple theme. Simple themes often become a reflection to your personality and it does make your blog look professional. And it will more to show the content of your blog rather the appearance of it. It is very important that your blog look professional, because it will an impression to your reader, that an owner is also a professional blogger.
Adjust the paragraph construction. Make your blog more of a mobile-friendly, where the paragraphs are just containing 2-3 sentence. By doing this, your reader will have easy job in reading your blog post. By, properly constructing the paragraph of your blog post, you should also provide adequate information related to the post.
Limit the plugins you put. Sometimes, you’ve read in a blog post or seen a video about a plugin and its benefit. Then, again install another plugin but with same functionality, I’ve seen this to many blogs. Adding many plugins will slow the loading speed of your blog (which is bad for SEO), and also cause serious problem to your whole blog (not loading properly). Just, put the necessary ones and never install more than 4 plugins.
· Putting too much ad and banners
There’s nothing wrong in monetizing your own blog, because it is fulfilling to see that your blog pays your bill. And there are numerous ways to monetize it, one of the common examples is Ads.
But, putting those affiliate banner and ads in your blog, in early stage could drive away your readers. Because, it will be very annoying to see and also it will look like an advertisement platform rather than a blog.
Those banners and ads sometimes block some paragraph which is very irritating to look on. This happens, when you are trying to make your reader click the ad or the banner, instead focusing on the content.
Also, ads are based on high number traffic or page views to make real money. While affiliate banner is actually based on the sale that your reader should purchase from your blog.
The reality of it, is that If your blog doesn’t have at least 300-page views a day or more, you will never make money at all.
Remove Those Ads Completely. In this manner, your blog will look cleaner and more user-friendly. And the loading speed of your blog will be improved also. And these parameters alone, will increase the chance of your blog to be successful.
Place the Ads in the right place. Since, you will not completely remove the ads, then you should put in right place. Where it will not obstruct or annoy your readers. First time readers, will never go back to your blog, if they see too much ads that can annoy them also.
· Posting short blog post (Literally)
Information is the name of the game in blogging, so you should have those if you want to stand out and make a name for it. A blog with enough information on it’s blog post are always in the top of search engine result.
Blogging is about publishing content, while not talking about how much word should it contains. Well, the length of blog post should be based on the type of blog or topic it talks about. Like a news blog, since it based on facts, it does contain only few words, depending on the news.
But blog post who ranks number in the search have an average word count of 2400 words. This means that it contains a lot of information that a reader could learn on.
On the other hand, there are low word count blog post that ranks high in the page also. It means that they are an established blog, that are providing good information for a long-time.
So, if you’re just starting out, be sure to published an information-rich content consistently that your reader would love read in any given time.
Do a research for your content. In this case, you will have more information to put in your blog post. And also, include your experience about it. Remember, if you want to become a successful blogger, then you should feed your readers with information that they can just find it in your blog.
· Not linking each blog post to each other
This mistake will not be notice during on early stage of your blog, because your blog have just contained small number of blog post. And finding those previous content is just easy, as your blog is just fresh.
Once you already published more than 30 blog post, those previous contents can be difficult to find by your readers. Which could result your readers to leave your blog instead of staying for more information.
If it happens, then it will signal to the search engine algorithm, that your blog has certain problem that your readers is leaving. Then, your blog will be shown to less people in the search engine.
Add the link of your other blog in the content. There could be words in your content, where your previous blog post will relate. Just add the link in that word, so that your reader could click it for additional info and also, they stay you longer, which is a good thing.
· Not updating the content
Consistency (mentioned above) is one of the most important part of becoming a successful blogger today. But with technology continues to evolve and with it, is information also. It is just a natural thing, to publish new information about certain topics.
Many bloggers, (that includes me), published a content but never actually updating it. So, this will result into a problem, where it will become forgotten by the search engine, especially if new information is being published.
Read the blog post and add some additional information. Adding information in your previous blog post, will keep it updated. And also, it will signal to the search engine that your blog post has also new information on a topic. Which, then could lead higher rank in the result.
· Fail to show creativity and personality
With millions of blogs today, it is a challenge to find a topic where you could dominate quickly in just few months of blogging. Many topics now, have already been dominated by established blogs, by publishing high quality content that many people love to read.
On the other hand, there’s another way that you can established the brand of your blog, by showing your personality and creativity to it.
There’s a time when we follow a certain blogger because of his/her personality and mock it through our blog. Well, you will have set your blog into failure because it is impossible at all, to copy his/her of blogging.
You will have a hard time doing it consistently, and your readers would notice it. Once, they do, they will leave your blog because they will feel that your blog is just a copycat.
People loves to relate on something, so showing your personality and creativity in your blog could set it apart from others.
But, remember, if there’s people who will loves your blog and there’s also others that will hates it. So, just be nice to them and accept that fact.
Write your content in a conversational style. In this way, you will have an easy way to express the thoughts on your mind on that certain topic. Also, your readers could easily understand your blog content, since you are just more of talking to them personally.
These are the common blogging mistakes to avoid, if you truly want to make your blog successful. Those mistakes were base on what I observe and read from different blogs. Also, some of it, is I personally experienced during my early stage of blogging, which have consequences in the latter part of blogging.
I hope that this following blog post would help you fix your blogging mistake, which might have an impact in your blog that you don’t realize. Also, if you have suggestions to this blog post, try reach me via email or just simply add a comment below.
Great tips!
Much needed tips!
Very helpful tips
I hope that this could help you and your blog
thank you!
Good ideas
I definitely do some of these! Thanks for the tips
Really great tips here. I've definitely found that going back and updating old content helps a ton.
These are really great tips. I have to say I will start writing, stop and then pick it back up. Which like you said isn't great.
These are really great tips! Thank you for this.
These were some nice tips! Definitely a useful read, especially for those who are just starting their blog (like me)!