Top 9 Most Profitable Topics To Choose in Blogging In 2023

This is your guide in choosing the right topic for blog, if you want to make money from it…
Blogging in 2023 is still one of the best ways you can make money online today, but with too many competitions and more establish blog on almost all topic, it seems it is impossible now to make your blog successful. The positive side of too many competitions that there is actually real money to make on blogging.
But the key to a successful blog is on choosing the right topics or profitable topics to cover on your blog. There are profitable topics for your blog, which guarantees that you can actually make a living from it.
Keep in mind that most profitable blog topics takes time and effort from you in order to see those money at all, and also there will be no time frame on it. Be sure that yourself is ready to accept the ups and downs of your hard work.
So, here are the most profitable topics for blogging in 2023;
Probably the most profitable of all the blog topics in the internet today but it comes also with a little disadvantage also. Health blogs could bring you up to six figure a month if you have large readers which you could monetize.
However, this topic is little tricky to get traction since, you need to be authoritative on this, because it involves health, which is a sensitive thing. Any information about health should be thoroughly examined and must back up with some kind of legit research.
Another thing on this topic, is that since it is profitable, competition is very high. Health topic could be broken down into small sub-topic or niche such weight loss or diet blog, which more people would love to read on.
If you’re planning to choose this topic, you must conduct a thorough research about other sub-niche related or else, you will have difficult time to achieve success on it.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Weight Loss
· Diet
· Men’s Health
· Women’s Health
· Home Remedy
· Herbal Remedy
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Marketing
· Own Merchandise
· Brand Partnership
· Sponsorship
· E-book
· Online Course
· Ads
Money, probably the most important physical tool that a man could have but it can go away instantly if you don’t know how to hold it. So, another profitable blog topic you can choose is about finance or everything about money itself.
But, profitable topic means competition, so finance is also a blog topic where it has a high number of competitions that already have establish.
It does not mean that you can choose this topic for your blog, you can still choose this but you should conduct some research on what are the “sub-niche or topic” on this, so that you can rank higher and achieve success in a quicker way.
If you choose this topic, be sure that your blog should be aim on helping people on their personal finance whether saving or on how to make money. If you’re blog can do this, success will be just a breeze for you.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Money Saving
· Loans
· Investments
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Marketing
· Brand Partnership
· E-book
· Sponsorship
· Online Course
· Ads
The tech topic could be also another one of the most profitable topics in 2021, yet probably another of the most competitive to choose from. Many tech companies today, spends millions of dollars just for advertisements of their products, so it only means that there is good amount of money to earn on this topic alone.
If you choose this topic, be sure that you will not go on those already saturated and to competitive subtopics of tech, do a research on this. It will take you more time to get that necessary traffic on this topic, since many bloggers loves tech today.
But don’t get down, if you truly love this topic, then you work for it to get some portion of traffic from well-established blog out there. Make a great content that people have never read before from another blog.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Tech Review
· Tech Unboxing
· Gadget Leak
· Smartphone Review
· Tech News
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Products
· Sponsorships
· Brand Partnerships
· Ads
This type of blog, is one of those you can personally reflect how you are living your life, so many people would to read it, since they can reflect it. However, the downside is that there are also people that not reflect on your life, but don’t worry on it, you can please everyone on this.
The key to be successful on this topic, is to make your every content or post personal as possible, which your reader feels your life or they can image how you are living every day.
And also, be sure to identify your readers first, so that you will avoid those readers that I’ve mention above. Many people today, loves to reads a content where an experience is being shared and they can grab on it, as they are part of it.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Family Blog
· Shopping blog
· Hobbies
· Motherhood
· Self-Care
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Product
· Own Merchandise
· Brand Partnerships
· Sponsorships
· E-book
· Ads
This topic is also a profitable, since many brands of clothing are looking for more bloggers to promote their product.
These brands are more into blogs than going for big advertising agency since, they could save more and also more information could be provided by the blogger, which is good for buyer and also readers.
But, as I always mention, it takes time to have a substantial number of readers which are also potentially buyer. And competition on this particular topic is normally higher than others.
If you love the latest trend in clothing or accessory, then this is the right topic for you but choose the right sub-topic or niche of fashion, because it may result into less money or you may reach success in blogging much longer.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Women’s Dress
· Men’s Dress
· Shoes (both men and women)
· Accessories (rings, bracelets, necklace, etc.)
· Makeups
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Marketing
· Own Merchandise
· Brand Partnership
· Sponsorships
· Ads
With airline tickets continues to go down, people are now interesting in travelling domestically and internationally.
So, it is a good idea that you provide an information on what are the certain places to visit in travelling within the country or abroad.
Many travel bloggers today, do make a living by just providing certain information about the most beautiful places to visit in that country. Which many travelers love to read, because they have the information before the travel takes place.
Also, be sure that your content on this topic is your own experience, because you will have difficulty writing and your readers definitely notice it.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Hotel Review
· Restaurant Review
· Airline Review
· Resort Review
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Marketing
· Brand Partnership
· Sponsorships
· Ads
Do It Yourself/ DIY Craft
DIY Craft is one of those topics where it will really show your personality, since it involves more on something you create. Many readers would love to see those crafts and especially how it is being made.
Creativity is the key on the success on this topic, more creativity on your craft, the more you will likely get notice on the internet, which could translate money later on.
This topic is more on showing your creativity or imagination on something, whether it is already available to the market or completely new product. Sometimes, people do love imagination especially on creating something, since it will feel more special.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Home Décor
· Gardening
· Figurines
· Vase
· Art
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Marketing
· Own Product
· Brand Partnerships
· Sponsored Post
· Ads
The How-To topic is also another profitable topic in 2023, yet there are also many established blogs out there, that are making six figure every month. So, it only means that you can literally make a substantial money on this topic.
This topic is more on guides, but if you choose this topic, be sure that you choose a very specific topic to start before you go for a more different guide. Choosing a specific topic will position your blog in a specific number of people that they go, if they are looking for that particular topic you blog.
Even though you may have less competition on your chosen topic, be sure to create a worth-reading post, so that it will increase your chance to make your blog stand out to other. Try to make every post like a masterpiece that people who reads it would love to share it to others.
· How to make money online
· How to fix blog
· Car blog
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Product
· Own Merchandise
· Sponsorships
· Brand Partnerships
· Ads
· E-book
Food blog is one of the most profitable topics in 2023, since many people do love to eat. It is just a common sense to target those people in your blog. But, as to food bloggers today are everywhere, it means that competition is also high on this topic.
If you love to eat, or love food, then create a blog which is a about food but on a different way, where your blog should stand from the rest. Try to make it, more of your personality, since many readers would love to read a content, where it has personality on it.
But, remember that your blog on this topic, might take some time get a good amount of traffic, since the topic is already too competitive now. Also, make your content more informative while more fun to read.
Sample SUBTOPIC/ Niche
· Food review
· Exotic Food Blog
· Local Cuisine
· International Cuisine
· Street Food
· Recipes
Ways to Monetize
· Affiliate Product
· Brand Partnerships
· Sponsorships
· E-book
These are the top 9 most profitable topics in 2023, be sure that if you choose any of this topic for your blog, do a research first and try to be more specific on it. You can use any of the subtopic, which could be great in starting a blog, since you are targeting a very specific reader. These following lists, is the result of both experience and research, I’ve done in the web.
If I have miss something on this blog post, don’t hesitate to comment below or do some suggestion, so that I can improve my future blog post.
Thank you for taking the time to compile this list! I'm glad to see "Travel" on the list. It's probably one of the topics that are trendy, and yet so difficult to break into. I wonder if, as a blogosphere, we will soon move on from reviews and ratings. I understand the usefulness of it, but I'd love to see bloggers focus more on storytelling, since it's precisely their own experiences that are fascinating. What do you think?
Helpful thoughts for those trying to choose a blog niche!