Manlangit Nature Park – ” A Quick Getaway From Stress “


Manlangit Nature Park is truly travel destination for a quick relief on your daily life’s stress experience…

Manlangit Nature Park is a new travel destination in the Caraga Region. Specifically, located at Brgy. Alubihid, at the town of Buenavista on the province of Agusan del Norte. This place is 10–15-minute drive from the national highway.

A huge sign of Manlangit Nature Park will be your land mark spot upon entering the crossing road, leading to it. The road leading to this place, are paved then followed by unpaved, which will be a problem if you will be visiting during wet season.

This place is ideal for a quick getaway destination, if you want to be at least experienced a stress-free environment. Manlangit Nature Park definitely provides your mind and body the stress relief even for a little time. The flowers, trees and mountains within and surrounding the place, will revive your soul, reminds you how beautiful life is.

What to Expect…

The Good

With the spectacular overview on mother nature’s creation and the City of Butuan, they truly know how to feast the eyes of every visitors they have. And with that, it instantly falls in love with nature who ever truly visit this place.

The design of the entire nature park, even if not yet fully completed, is excellent, since it allows people to walk and appreciate on how beautiful the creation of God, by producing a magnificent view.

There are cottages or bungalow that are available for rent, facing the east side of the park. Which means that it is design to view the beautiful sunrise, while greeting your love one “Good Morning”.

For me, the best time to visit Manlangit Nature Park are during dawn and dusk, because it will allow you so see the beautiful opening of the day and observed the sun goes down while saying “the day was great as expected”.

If you’re looking to dine at this place, then you can also because they are offering a “eat all you can” buffet, every Thursday. Also, they are offering snacks and drinks to every visitor, which can be redeem via food voucher.

The Bad

One of the aspects that needed to be improved by the management of Manlangit Nature Park, is their parking area. Vehicles are park at the step part of the road and parking are on both sides, causing a problem.

They must find parking area that is flat, even if not yet paved, because park vehicle on both sides of the road only creates a traffic going up to the park entrance itself. Which delays anyone, especially those who are done visiting.

For me, the food voucher you pay that cost 100.00 pesos, seems to be not enough due to there are no meals or snacks worth below the amount. The drinks however, is the only thing you can buy on that amount, because it’s worth 75.00 pesos.

Only two ways to spend your 100.00 pesos voucher, either spend it only on drinks and left your 25.00 pesos change or you will add additional amount to that voucher.

The Worst

I hate to say this part, but it does have worst part during my visit because I truly observed it. Social distancing is one of the most important protocol to be observed, but I did not observe it there.

It’s like there’s no Covid-19 pandemic happening, people are so close to each other, especially during in redemption of food voucher. Also, aside from social distancing, some visitors and staff never wore mask at all, which really cause me some concern, if this continues to happened.

Another worst part I’ve observed, is that visitors are confused on where to redeem their food voucher, because no staff of the park is assigned to help them. Visitors don’t know to where to line to redeem their voucher.

Hoping that these issues should be immediately address by the management of Manlangit Nature Park, for enjoyment while also keeping visitors safe from the pandemic.

More Information of Charges of Manlangit Nature Park

Entrance Fee (adult) : Php 210 pesos

Note: 100 pesos – entrance fee

            100 pesos – Food voucher (consumable) – 1 month validity

           10 pesos – environmental fee


Inclusion: 80.00 pesos worth of consumable food and drinks and Php10.00 Environmental Fee

CHILDREN 10 years Old up to 12 years old – Php160.00

Inclusion: Php75.00 worth of consumable food and drinks and Php10.00 Environmental Fee



✳️Cottage Rentals

✳️360 degrees Restaurant

✳️Café d’ Manlangit

✳️Outdoors bar

✳️Ostrich Viewing




Lunch buffet 11 AM to 2 PM

Dinner buffet 5 PM to 8 PM

Book us ahead!

Reception & Bookings

📞Globe line 09956749945

📞TNT Line 0963549734






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